How to Write a Teacher Thank you Note
If you’re anything like me, this pandemic has made you realize just how much you appreciate your kids’ teachers! I adore my children, but I am not cut out to be their teacher. Let’s make sure we show our teachers how much we appreciate them, especially this year. Teacher Appreciation Week is May 4-8, and Turquoise & Tangerine has the perfect gift.
The Teacher Appreciation Box has an adorable magnetized notepad, sticky notes, and pen set, all with motivational messages for those teachers we love so much. T&T will even include a personalized thank-you note in each box and ship it directly to the recipient.
How do you express your vast appreciation for these awesome teachers who take our children off our hands for eight hours a day? Here are some ideas:
· Include a funny story about your child and something they did in class this year.
· Remind your child’s teacher about a time they went above and beyond for your child.
· Mention a subject your child has shown improvement in this year.
· Tell them something sweet your child said about them.
· Let them know you’re praying for them.
If you prefer a pre-written message, here are some ideas (just make sure to fill in your own information!):
Dear Mrs. Smith,
Johnny has loved being in your class this year. Your hard work in helping him improve in math is so appreciated. When I asked Johnny what he liked most about being your student, he said, “Mrs. Smith gives the best hugs and I love the way she reads stories to the class every day.” We miss you and are praying for you and your family!
Johnny and the Jones family
Dear Mrs. Jones,
Thank you for the love and kindness you have shown to Sally in class this year. She loves going to school every day because of you, and it makes her especially happy when you laugh at her knock-knock jokes! Your dedication to teaching science has really helped her improve her grade, and we appreciate you so much. We miss you and look forward to seeing you next school year!
Sally and the Smith family